Track Record
During Chris Watts’ tenure on the Denton City Council, he continually sought ways to maximize taxpayer dollars and improve the quality of life for all Denton residents. Here are some of the areas in which Chris’ leadership made our City better:
- Partnered quickly with Denton County at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to maximize public health initiatives and available funding.
- Facilitated a multi-jurisdictional, public/private partnership with Emergency Services District 1 for a new fire station to decrease response times and reduce home insurance costs throughout southwest Denton, including Robson Ranch.
- Facilitated inclusion of minority Chambers of Commerce representatives on the Denton Economic Development Partnership Board for the first time ever.
- Created The Mayor’s Task Force on Homelessness, which soon became a collaborative, county-wide effort involving multiple non-profits that provide services for those experiencing homelessness.In 2020, this effort culminated in approval of in a now-$11 million facility on Loop 288 for those experiencing homelessness. The building is slated for completion this year, 2022.
- Facilitated securing of Veterans Administration Supportive Housing (VASH) Vouchers for Denton veterans experiencing homelessness through collaborations with the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Denton Housing Authority. Denton veterans had no access to these when Chris initiated the process; today, 40 veterans are receiving VASH vouchers.
City Improvements, Protections
- While managing a $1.2 billion budget, reduced property tax rates by 15% and lowered utility rates while expanding City services.
- Increased funding for street repair and maintenance, sidewalks and utilities.
- Increased funding for fire and police to maintain maximum protection for the community. Approved and funded construction of four new fire stations, Denton’s first police substation and indoor gun range, and major reconstruction of police headquarters.
- Protected neighborhoods during creation of new zoning categories / zoning reclassification of all properties within the city limits.
- Protected future residential and business taxpayers from runaway infrastructure costs associated with the 6,000-acre Cole Ranch/Hunter Ranch development.
- Improved the budget process to increase public participation and Council and staff transparency.
- Spearheaded streamlining of the Development Review and Permitting process.
- Spearheaded relocation of the then-proposed Denton Convention Center to Rayzor Ranch, which achieved a significant increase in long-term revenues from the project to city coffers.
- Spearheaded the requirement for construction of retail/commercial at Rayzor Ranch prior to construction of residential, to maximize property and sales tax revenues (achieved as a district representative on Council prior to serving as mayor).
- Leveraged $2 million to $30 million in improved connectivity under I-35E.
- As the City of Denton representative on the Denton County Transportation Authority, led the addition of new, innovative, on-demand service to public transportation options in Denton.